The Broad is Back!

May 19, 2018

Another Beautiful Royal Wedding

Brightest blessings to the beautiful couple, whose love is so strong I could feel it across the ocean and through a computer screen.

Today was the celebration of my uncle’s life, so I didn’t think I’d get a chance to watch the royal wedding. Frankly, I was bummed about that because I’ve watched them all since Princess Anne got married back in the 70s. I’m an Anglophile and a history geek from childhood.

But I woke up far too early and when I grabbed my phone to check the time, I saw notice that the Royal Family was streaming the wedding live on YouTube. Yes, I follow their channel. Sue me.

I watched from the minor royals arriving at church till right after the vows, and I’m so very glad I did.

There was so much love. This wedding sent a message about the power of love, and if you know my writing or me, you know that’s the central tenant of my life. Bishop Michael Curry, I love you. I love you so much. That sermon had me yelling, “AMEN, brother!” It was powerful and true and the message this world needs right now.

Some people scoff at those of us who were invested in the wedding, but I love weddings. Anyone’s weddings. That’s why I officiate at them. Weddings are love and joy and hope with cake involved. Does life get any better than that?

I’m also the same age as the late Princess Diana. I remember Harry being born, growing, losing his mom (I lost my dad when I was 11–I had such empathy), turning into a good hearted man. I didn’t know Megan Markle before the engagement was announced, but she’s lovely. I don’t know them, but the public personas they project are of caring, loving people trying to use their fame to better the world. And they are just so much in love. I getting to the age where I can be unabashedly gooey about things like a happy couple.

Did you see the way they looked at each other?

You can’t beat the House of Windsor for pageantry. The new Duchess was a star before she married into the family, and boy, did she do America proud. Her dress was perfection. Her walking down the aisle solo with the children carrying her veil? I mean gorgeous or what? Then Prince Charles stepping in to take her to his son? Don’t tell me you didn’t melt a little. Prince Harry crying through much of the ceremony? It just made me happy.

I enjoy seeing people happy, joyous even. Why not? Life is short and love is so wonderful.

It was also pretty. The Queen looked lovely, wearing one of my favorite color combos–purple and green. Princess Beatrice wore a nice, boring hat. Poor Zara Tindall looked ready to pop, though. Yes, I know who these people are. See anglophile comment above.

Mother of the bride Doria looked great–you can see where her daughter gets her looks.

Lots of pretty pictures to look at and there’s nothing wrong with a nice escape from the reality that is our world. It’s nice to be reminded that yes, even though we’re killing each other, cruel to one another, exploit one another, we can also revel in each other’s happiness and watch a happy couple get hitched in style.

I wish them long and happy and may they help create a world powered by love.

Edit: I’ve since looked at some of the commentary about the wedding. Yes, I did laugh at the shocked faces of the nice English people when the American preacher was a-preachin’. And then the gospel choir. Wasn’t that gorgeous?

Of course, I now say, duh, African-American culture, but when I was first watching, sans commentators, all I thought was “church culture.” I grew up in a Charismatic family, so fiery preachers and gospel singers? That’s the fun part! That singing? That preaching? that’s love in action right there. Inspired.

Let the side eyes roll, the jaws drop, the mouths smirk. It was a beautiful message and “Stand By Me” is a great love song.






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